8 July 2011

Chinese Dragons


  1. Room B, Mrs Harris and Bernard9 July 2011 at 11:21

    Hi there LZ4 your artwork has been looking fabulous we have been checking it out during our blog time. Next term we will have to try and skype to you. I bet you are all looking forward to your holidays coming up soon. It has been a very long and busy term and unfortunately lots have been away sick. We only had 13 people in our class on Friday!

  2. LZ 4 your stories and pictures about the dragons are amazing. I can see you are learning some very interesting stories about dragons and the History of England especially the famous one about St. George. The other day when I walked into your LZ I enjoyed you all singing to me the 'Taniwha' song. and the next time I come in I would love to see your rakau presentation! You are absolutely fabulous Munchkins!!
